Sisterhood will honor Heidi Weisman as part of their annual Torah fund campaign on March 30th at 7 PM in the Lerner.Fisher Hall. The evening features desserts and Israeli songs by our Rabbinic Intern Rachael Houser and our Ritual Director Rebecca Axelrod. Sisterhood explains that, "The Torah Fund Campaign, sponsored by the Women's League of Conservative Judaism, is an annual fundraiser for five Conservative/Masorti seminaries around the world that train Conservative rabbis, cantors, and educators." Heidi is being honored for her many contributions to Adath's Sisterhood and Adath Israel Congregation. The couvert for the event is $25, with additional donations requested for the Torah Fund campaign. RSVP info is available here.
Shabbat Food Basket Display Available
Adath now offers Shabbat Food Baskets that can be displayed in front of the Bimah on Shabbat as an alternative to flowers. The basket display is reusable. The funds donated will help support the Barbash Family Vital Support Center - Heldman Family Food Pantry and Adath Israel. Sponsorships start at $100 and can be made in memory or in honor of a loved one. Contact Kathy Haas in the office at for details.
Mazel Tov Samuel Frank and Izabela Gonzales
Please join us as our son, Samuel Frank and his bride, Isabella Gonzales are called to the Torah for their aufruf during morning services March 15th 2025.
Edward and Mikey Frank
Mazel Tov on the Birth of Matan Yosef Bakst
Mazal tov to Ruth Schneider on the birth of her great-grandson Matan Yosef Bakst on February 11. His parents are Nadav Bakst and Nina Schneider of Jerusalem, Israel . Grandparents are Harry and Dianne Schneider of Jerusalem, and Jonathan and Sharon Bakst of Netanya. Paternal great-grandparents are Avinoam and Chana Bakst, and Eddie and Elaine Bielewski, all of Netanya.
Mazel Tov to Miles Boymel
Miles Boymel will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, March 1st, in our Guttman Family Sanctuary at 9 AM. His parents are Jonas Boymel and Lauren Boymel. His grandparents are Steven & Carol Boymel and Frank & Linda Nathan. Great-grandparents are the late Sam and Rachel Boymel.
Mazel Tov to Emory Loadenthal
Emory Loadenthal will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday morning, March 8th, in our Guttman Family Sanctuary at 9 AM. Her parents are Jennifer Grubbs and Michael Loadenthal. Grandparents are Elana & Mark Grubbs z’’l and Terri Greenfield & Richie Loadenthal.
Milestone Birthday, Anniversary, Birth, & Wedding Announcements:
If you know of someone with a milestone birthday or milestone anniversary you wish to announce or if you have a birth or wedding announcement, send the info to Include photos if you have them!