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What does membership at Adath Israel mean?

Membership in our congregation opens the door to a wide variety of activities allowing you to feed your spiritual needs, to expand your social circles, to advocate for social justice, and to become more involved, knowledgeable, and spiritually fulfilled Jews.


The community we serve





Our inclusive and egalitarian congregation welcomes those exploring Judaism, interfaith couples, LGBTQ+ people, young,  young at heart, and the older adult members of our community.  We enjoy a wide range of diversity among our congregants.

Our Religious School at the Jarson Education Center fosters a love of Jewish values and identity for our children from Pre-K through 8th grade. Teens attend Cincinnati's community-wide Hebrew High School, Shelanu, made up of students from six different area congregations. We focus on a hands-on approach to learning and seek to foster a love of Judaism.

Social events and relationship building are cornerstones of our community life. Our social groups including Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Nefesh (young professionals), Youth and Family, Youth Groups, Hazak, Green Team, and others, as well as our various classes and celebrations, are all available to build connections.

Many of our Congregational events are held on our beautiful suburban campus in Amberley Village, centrally located to many of our partners, such as the Mayerson JCC.  We also regularly gather off-site at local parks, eateries, and other community venues.


Membership Benefits

At Adath Israel Congregation, we welcome and support people in all stages of life and in whatever way that support is needed. As a Kehila Kedosha, a holy community, we believe the most significant benefit to congregational membership is community connection. Together we experience life's milestones, both religious and secular, through the lens of Jewish tradition and friendly support.

Some specific member benefits include

  • Congregational Rabbis caring for your spiritual needs and personal growth
  • Traditional, inventive, and family-friendly religious services online and in-person 
  • Tuition discounts for our religious school
  • Community meals and Holiday festivities
  • Adult education classes taught by our Rabbis, local experts and world-class guests
  • Our safe and secure space that is accessible to strollers, wheelchairs and service animals
  • Role models and teachers available to all ages helping you to learn new Jewish life skills such as leading services, reading Torah, or wrapping Tefillin.
  • Tickets to High Holiday services led by our Rabbis, Cantor and Congregational Choir
  • Discounted rates to rent our facilities for private events (B'nai Mitzvah parties, Wedding receptions, etc.)
  • Leadership opportunities for all ages that impact the congregation and our wider Cincinnati community 


Message from Rabbi Smolkin, our Senior Rabbi

I love that our Adath Israel community supports one another in our journeys to find meaning, knowledge, and connection. After moving to Cincinnati from Lexington, Kentucky with my wife and two young children in August of 2019, I have been on a journey, getting to know our community, sharing Torah, and finding meaning through creative connections during the pandemic. I have found that our Adath Israel family cares for one another and is passionate about making Adath a wonderful community. Please feel free to join us for services or a social event to get to know us. Also, please feel free to be in touch with me directly at I would love to learn about your journey.


How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved at Adath Israel.  Prospective members are encouraged to call or email our Synagogue office to make an appointment with our Rabbi, or you can join us in-person or online for a religious service.


Financial Information

Adath Israel Congregation always ensures that finances are not a barrier to becoming a member and sustaining your commitment to our community.  We are a non-profit organization and rely on donations from our members to allow us to fulfill our mission to support congregants during significant life events and in their journeys to become more involved, knowledgeable, and spiritually fulfilled Jews.

Click here to get more information about our inclusive dues structure


Religious School

Adath Israel Congregation's Religious School at the Jarson Education Center is a premier center of Jewish learning and creativity in Cincinnati.  With one of Cincinnati's largest grade school student bodies, our students and families play an active role in their own education. From Pre-K through 8th grade and in our Madrichim (teacher assistant) Program, our students enage in a dynamic and exciting Jewish learning experience. We focus on a hands-on approach to learning, which is highlighted in our chuggim (elective classes) for 3rd-6th graders. Our 7th and 8th Grade Program is designed to introduce students to the diversity of the Cincinnati Jewish community, as well as to other religious institutions in the area. Teens attend Cincinnati's community-wide Hebrew High School, Shelanu, made up of students from six different area congregations. Our on-site and hybrid program is offered in partnership with the Cincinnati Jewish Educators Council and supported by the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati. For questions or more information, please contact Rachel Brown, Director of Education and Youth and Family Programming at or (513) 793-1800 ext. 104

Click here for more information about school hours, teachers, calendar and registration.


Religious Services

Our prayer services are fully egalitarian including in-person and/or online services every day.  Adath Israel Congregation is a participatory congregation, and our congregants regularly serve as prayer leaders.  We have traditional, creative, and family-friendly services. We sing and pray to traditional and non-traditional a capella tunes using Siddur Lev Shalem, Machzor Lev Shalem and Siddur Sim Shalom.

  • Ma'ariv, evening, services are currently online (Zoom) seven day a week.  The 2nd Friday of every month is TGIF with in-person services as well.
  • Shacharit, morning , services are both in-person and online. Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday are on Zoom and Saturday is on and YouTube.  Each in-person service is followed by breakfast, kiddush nosh or lunch.

Click here for our calendar of events.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785